
【Payment Method】

You can choose to make a payment at a convenience store (prepayment), a ATM(Pay-easy/Net Bank) or by credit card (total price).
  • Pay by credit card
    Credit cards are accepted on the right.
  • Pay at a ATM.
    Available for the ATM with Pay-easy mark.
    List of financial institutions that accept ATM
    ATM payment

    ※Email will be sent after an order is placed with ATM Payment Number.
    Please pay within, 7days after an email is sent.

  • Pay at a convenience store
    Available for the convenience store on the right.
    (Might not be available on some stores)

    ※Email will be sent after an order is placed with a PAYMENT RECEIPT NUMBER.
    Please pay within, 7days after an email is sent.Payment deadline information can be confirmed either in the order confirmation email sent to your registered email address or on the order history page. Please confirm this information and complete your payment by the listed date.
    ※Please keep your receipt in a safe place for any lost shipping or returning.

【About Shipping】

The shipping price is based on the delivery method and the shipping address.

Delivery Method Shipping of one order
■Regular Delivery

Photos will be delivered in about a week after confirming payment. In addition, if there is a deficiency in the address or if there is no name on the nameplate Post; for example, if you move, it might take a few weeks for 「Destination Unknown」 until you get to deliver.
A flat rate of 272Yen (Tax Included 299Yen) all over Japan
■Home Delivery

By Japan Post, it will takes up 5 to 7 days after payment.It is safe in the commodity because the insurance applied by Japan Post.In addition, it is possible to deliver smoothly even if there is no name in the nameplate and post if there is a deficiency in the address, such as when it is your move. In these cases, Japan Post will contact you for confirmation via the telephone provided in your registration at the time of the order.
A flat rate of 1,225Yen (Tax Included 1,348Yen) all over Japan